Building and Developing a Website – Part 2

Building a website phase 3

Once the layout, color scheme, content, images and text is designed and approved we move into building and developing the website. This phase typically takes between 1-2 weeks.  This is the fun part. Yes designing is also fun, but I love building websites and actually see them come to life.

During this time the developer sets up your content management system (CMS) using WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, Shopify, etc. and the documentation needed to maintain the website after launch. I typically will give clients full access to everything including the files and login information.

Julz Talks Tech dives into web design, graphic design, technology, AI, and all things nerdy. If you enjoyed this article, please like, comment, and share it with a colleague who might find it interesting or helpful. Your support on Patreon helps us grow and reach a wider audience. Let’s expand this community together!

This article is as a 4 part series discussing the process and experience of a freelance Web Developer/Designer. You will learn the phases in building and delivering a website to your client.

How Long Does It Take to Build A Website 
Planning And Designing A Website – Part 1
Testing And Launching Your New Website – Part 3

Julz Talks Tech dives into web design, graphic design, technology, AI, and all things nerdy. If you enjoy this article, please like, comment, and share it with a colleague who might find it interesting or helpful. Your support on Patreon helps us grow and reach a wider audience. Let’s expand this community together!


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